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A little something for every season

Give Corry a call (802) 734-6982

or email (snocats911@yahoo.comanytime

with questions or to receive a free estimate.

We look forward to hearing from you! 

Lawn Care

Need to spruce up the yard with a spring or fall clean up? Going away on vacation and need your lawn cared for?  Too busy to properly maintain your lawn? Give us a call and we'll get the job done.

Maple Sugaring

Looking forward to another great season of 2021 maple sugaring

(Call Corry for availability)

Gallon $40

1/2 Gallon $22

Quart $12

Pint $7

Plowing & Sanding

Regular plowing route in Huntington, Richmond and parts of Hinesburg. Sanding is done on an on-call basis as needed. 

Christmas Trees

We began our tree farm the year before our son Matthew was born. Matt is now 5 1/2 years old and will be in Kindergarten next school year. We hope the trees are big enough for Christmas 2021!


Our 1 ton dump truck holds approximately 3-4 yards of material and can be delivered upon request. Materials included but not limited to mulch, topsoil, gravel, wood, pellets, sand, etc.

Leaf Vac System

Our commerical leaf vacuum system will remove all of your unwanted leaves & pine needles. The chopped and compacted leaves are then delivered to local residents free of charge for compost/mulch gardening use per request. Give us a call to get added to the list. 

Texas Hill

Lawn Care, LLC


"The Affordable Choice"

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